The Singers

John Eagle Shield, Jr.

Jerren Elk

Spencer Little Owl

Kendall Little Owl

Khannie Tobacco

Kelcie Two Shields

Cody Wasinzi

Courtney Yellowfat


Virgil Taken Alive

Courtney Yellowfat

John Thomas Eagle Shield, Sr.

Mary Louise Defender Wilson

Tim Mentz, Sr.

Kevin Locke

Cedric Goodhouse

Evelyn “Sissy” Goodhouse

Thomas Red Bird

Michael B. Moore

Dana Yellowfat

D.J. Two Bears

Terry Yellowfat


MacKenzie Sheridan

Donovan Day


Ledger art by Tesla Belcourt


David Swenson (Producer)

Courtney Yellowfat (Co-producer, primary cultural advisor)

Michael Glatt (Management)

Dennis Neumann (Information officer, official photographer)


Bush Foundation - Ramala Bile

ND Council on the Arts - Troyd Giest

Humanities North Dakota - Brenna Gerhardt

Dakota Legacy - Jim Christianson